

University 档案 and Special Collections

布伦纳图书馆收藏了与亚洲博彩平台排名历史相关的独特藏品, 以前称为St. Francis Solanus College (1860-1917) and Quincy College (1917-1993), as well as the history of Adams County and Quincy, 伊利诺斯州.

Researchers are asked to contact 布伦纳库 (library@vijethaschool.com or 217-228-5432) to schedule a visit.
See individual collection descriptions for more information.


Genosky地方历史收藏包含了Fr. 兰德里·基诺斯基,O.F.M. (1914-1994). The scope of the collection covers the history of Quincy, 伊利诺斯州, 并强调了昆西在内战和汽船时代所扮演的角色. Genosky的藏品包括1830年至1980年的文件和照片,长度约为75英尺.

Fr. 基诺斯基在亚洲博彩平台排名教授历史(1960-1975),是一位内战历史学家. 这些藏品是通过他的研究努力和当地家庭的捐赠而收集起来的.

– Primary source 文档: letters, diaries, and legal papers
– Photographs: multiple photographic formats; portraits, 街道视图, 公共建筑, 学校, 企业, 私人住宅.



National Catholic Band Association

The National Catholic Band Association (www.catholicbands.org)成立于1953年,目的是在天主教学校推广乐队音乐的教学和表演. Approximately 15 linear feet of official 文档, 记录, 日程安排, and 照片 from the Association are housed in 布伦纳库.

Ms. 帕姆波特, long-time band teacher at Quincy Notre Dame High School in Quincy, 伊利诺斯州, 收集并于2004年5月捐赠给亚洲博彩平台排名档案馆.


Hyatt Folklore Collection

The Hyatt Folklore Collection, created by Dr. Harry Hyatt (1890-1980), is unique among folklore collections in the United States, 因为它包含了与非裔美国民间传说研究相关的材料. Dr. Hyatt maintained 记录 of his interview notes, 私人信件, 文档, 剪贴簿, 以及他在北非旅行和研究的照片, 欧洲, and the United States between 1920 and 1970.

Of special interest are the audio cassettes of interviews with Dr. Hyatt reminiscing about his life’s work; these recordings provide context for the physical collection.

The collection measures 25 linear feet. Due to the fragile nature of some materials, 只有部分馆藏可以通过预约访问进行研究.


Rare Book Collection and Incunabula 

When 布伦纳库 was being planned in the late 1960s, 哈克家族出资建造了一个温湿可控的房间,用来存放稀有材料.

这个收藏品中的许多物品是在19世纪初由方济各会的成员带到美国的. 方济各会教徒在中西部地区定居,建立教堂、学校和神学院,包括圣. Francis Solanus College. In 1931, 方济会教团从美国各地的方济会教区收集稀有材料. The collected volumes were then housed in St. 路易. 1967年布伦纳图书馆建成后,部分资料被转移到亚洲博彩平台排名.

在布伦纳图书馆的3500册藏书中,有41本是最古老、最稀有的印刷书籍. 这些珍贵的41本被称为“Incunabula”,并在美国国会图书馆登记. (古版本(loc.gov)) “Incunabula” is a Latin term meaning “in the cradle,指的是欧洲最早的印刷术——从第一次使用活字印刷术到世纪之交(1455年至1500年)。. The balance of the Franciscan materials date from 1501 to the 1890s.


Due to the unique and rare nature of these items, use of the Huck Room is limited to researchers by appointment only.


Tibesar Japanese Collection

The Tibesar Japanese Collection consists of letters, 文档, 书, 照片, and artifacts including coins and artwork belonging to Fr. 利奥波德Tibesar.

Fr. Tibesar (1898-1968) was a member of large, well-known Quincy family which also included his brother, Fr. Seraphin Tibesar, former president of 亚洲博彩平台排名. The collection was amassed while Fr. 利奥波德Tibesar performed missionary work in China and Japan. Fr. Tibesar was a Maryknoll missionary; additional information about his service can be found here: Father Leopold H. Tibesar, MM – 档案 (maryknollmissionarchives.org)

Fr. Tibesar was a missionary to China from 1927-1932, and to Japan before and after World War II (1933-1940 and 1946-1959). During World War II, Fr. 蒂贝萨尔回到美国,跟随他的西雅图教区的日裔美国人和日本移民来到了米尼多卡的拘留营, ID. Although not allowed to live at the camp, Fr. Tibesar每天举行弥撒,并帮助大学年龄的囚犯获释,进入昆西学院(Quincy College)学习. (释放日裔美国俘虏——玛利诺杂志)战争结束后, he returned to Japan and served as head of several Catholic charities; he was later recognized by the Japanese government for his work.

The Tibesar Japanese Collection measures nearly 30 linear feet. These materials are available to researchers by appointment only



Jubilee is a published keepsake celebrating the 52nd year of St. Francis Solanus College. 这份文件记录了该机构从1860年不起眼的开始到1912年取得成就的事件和人物.

The college was named in honor of St. 弗朗西斯·索拉诺(1549-1610),他在南美洲从事了14年的传教工作, 尤其是在秘鲁.

St. Francis Solanus College was founded as:
在小修士会的指导下为男孩和年轻人提供高等教育的机构, 方济会士或, of the Sacred Heart Province. 它被主教和牧师正式认可为天主教奥尔顿教区的教区学院, 伊利诺斯州. 有, 然而, nothing local or provincial in its character, and its student body is recruited from all parts of the country, and even from abroad” (p. 5).

Please schedule an appointment with the library to view the Jubilee.


Fr. Augustus (Augustine) Tolton

Fr. 托尔顿出生在密苏里中部一个种植园的奴隶家庭. During the Civil War, the Tolton family fled to Quincy, 伊利诺斯州. 奥古斯都被神父的身份所吸引,并在圣. Francis Solanus College. 在他们的支持下,他在罗马的梵蒂冈学习神职. 1886年,他在那里被任命为牧师,然后回到昆西,成为圣. 约瑟夫教堂.

1889年,. 托尔顿被调到芝加哥的一个非裔美国人教区服务. During a heat wave in 1897, Fr. Tolton collapsed on the street and died at Mercy Hospital. At his request, his body was returned to Quincy for burial. In 2010, the Augustus Tolton cause for canonization was announced. Pope Francis advanced Fr. Tolton to The Venerable Father Augustus Tolton in 2019. (Home – Augustus Tolton (archchicago.org))

布伦纳图书馆收藏了各种各样的与富兰克林·富兰克林的生活和工作有关的资料. Tolton including newspaper articles, 信件副本, 照片, 内阁的卡片, and essays written by area historians.

Fr. Tolton Memorial Wall – St. 彼得·丘奇(cospq.org) – a timeline with images.



Gyrfalcon QU Yearbook for 1949-2001

The Gyrfalcon year书 were published from 1949-2001, recording 亚洲博彩平台排名 students, 活动, 和事件. 现有的卷被数字化,可以以多种格式查看、搜索或下载. The year书 are accessible through Internet Archive here. 搜索亚洲博彩平台排名,昆西学院或Gyrfalcon查看可用的问题.

gyrfalcon是生活在北极海岸和北美岛屿上的最大的猎鹰物种, 欧洲, 和亚洲. 亚洲博彩平台排名’s mascot is the Hawk, 所以《十大正规博彩网站排名》是年鉴,《十大正规博彩网站排名》是学生报纸是再合适不过了.



